This documentary features seven ordinary people who have committed murder. It focuses on the images, memories, nightmares and the marginal situation in which these people live. The protagonists consis...
A scientist (Aris Lempesopoulos), shortly before completing research that should change many things for mankind, realizes that a dangerous ring has formed around him. Suddenly, a mysterious woman come...
This is a documentary that presents the life of a congenital blind boy named Manolis Diamantidis, who was abandoned by his parents. One can see through this film how the blind comprehend a world they ...
This is a series of intersecting stories. A petty crook and former lover of a lazy ingénue steals the box-office receipts from the Odeon of Herodus Atticus, on the day an important football game is a...
Despite the soccer World Cup fever during the summer of 1998, a group of young people insist on rehearsing for a theatrical performance. The process they are getting into will form the identity of the...